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Laser Systems for Optical Microscopy
05.01.2022 в 18:09

The use of Laser Systems for Optical Microscopy:

The lasers that are commonly used for optical microscopy usually have high-intensity monochromatic light sources, which are used as a tool for a variety of techniques including optical trapping, photobleaching recovery, lifetime imaging studies, and total internal reflection fluorescence. In addition, lasers are also the most common light source for scanning confocal fluorescence microscopy and have been used less frequently in conventional widefield fluorescence investigations. Lasers show intense packets of monochromatic lights that are coherent and high frozen to form a tight beam whose rate of expansion is very low. In comparison to other light sources, the extremely pure wavelength ranges which are emitted by the laser have a bandwidth and phase relationship that is not parallel to the tungsten-halogen or arc-discharge lamps.

As a result, laser light beams can travel long distances and be expanded to fill apertures or can be focused into a very small spot with a high degree of brightness. Beyond all the similarities that all lasers have, which consist of excitation source (power supply), a gain medium (light source), and resonator, these light sources radically in cost, beam quality, operating life, size, output power, and power consumption. The aro company make use of the excimer laser lens and laser optics windows to manufacture lens and lasers.

Its properties

The stability of the monochromatic light produced by most laser systems presents problems in the application of these light sources for classical widefield microscopy. The diffraction patterns on the scattering of the light are introduced by the interference at every surface in the optical path. Furthermore, the aperture diaphragms and field, along with dirt also produces artifacts. The effects which are not required can be reduced or removed with the help of a variety of techniques. The most common methods include temporarily scrambling the laser light by rapidly varying the length of the optical path between the light source and the microscope, or scanning the sample point by point, as in confocal microscopy systems. Furthermore, we can also remove the interference and the artifacts with the help of an aperture scanning technique.

If the length of the path or laser beam changes at a fast interval in comparison to the detector integration time, the scattering and speckle artifacts disappear from the image. A successful technique employed by some investigators to improve differential interference contrast (DIC) images produced with an argon-ion laser light source is to position a spinning, spherical glass wedge in the light path at a speed of 2500 revolutions per minute.


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