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Slot Lotteries at Shangri La Casinos
08.11.2018 в 15:55
Slot Lotteries at Shangri La Casinos

Do you like slot machines? In this case, you will enjoy the conditions for playing slots in the network of Shangri La elegant casinos. Four gambling units are located in four capitals: Yerevan, Riga, Tbilisi, Minsk. They employ hundreds of the most modern slots from the most famous developers. And in addition to the attractive betting conditions, all guests get a chance to participate in the slot lotteries.

The slot lotteries are a unique feature of Shangri La, Darren Keane, CEO of the company said. Everyone who makes bets in slot machines automatically becomes a contender for an additional jackpot. This idea has been implemented in all divisions for many years in a row. Conditions and features of each casino are individual. But the meaning is always the same: just once you make a bet in the slots, you have a great opportunity to make a big win.

For slot lotteries allocates a special prize fund. This amount is divided into several jackpots of different sizes. Once a week, the winners are determined in a solemn atmosphere along with the guests. Put simply, the rates are converted into lottery tickets. These tickets are placed in the lottery machine, and the organizers determine the lucky one.

You will be glad to know that lotteries are held more than once a week. There are also monthly and quarterly draws with larger prizes reaching several thousand euros. And each bet has the same chance of success. Fortune can come even to the one who made just a single bet.

The casino network is operated by Storm International, Michael Boettcher founded this company in 1992. Today it is a large holding company that develops all Shangri La casinos, Storm Casinos slot hall network in Germany, manages business areas in Moscow.

Gaming units of Storm International are known for their high level of comfort, friendly attitude to guests and hospitality. Casinos operate in the VIP niche, which is noticeable in the luxurious interior design and the abundance of various services available to customers. Restaurants, sports bars and VIP clubs operate in casinos in different countries, they allow you to get a rich and very diverse holiday.


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